Here are 10 woodworking safety tips everyone should know

By: James Brown

Wear safety glasses or goggles. This is the most important safety tip for woodworkers. Flying debris can easily damage your eyes, so it's important to protect them with safety glasses or goggles

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Wear appropriate clothing. Avoid loose-fitting clothing and dangling jewelry, as these can get caught in machinery. Wear clothes that fit snugly and won't restrict your movement

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Use sharp blades and bits. Dull blades and bits are more likely to kick back or cause the wood to bind, which can lead to injury. Always keep your blades and bits sharp to avoid these hazards

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Check for nails, screws, and other metal before cutting. Metal can damage your saw blade and cause it to kick back. Always check the wood you're about to cut for any metal objects before you start

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Work against the cutter. When using a hand saw, always push the wood away from you. This will help to keep the blade from binding and kicking back

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Never reach over a blade to remove cut-offs. Always wait for the blade to stop spinning before removing cut-offs. Reaching over a blade is a surefire way to get injured

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Use the right tool for the job. Don't try to use a saw to do a job that's better suited for a drill, and vice versa. Using the wrong tool can be dangerous and inefficient

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Secure your workpiece. Make sure your workpiece is securely clamped or held in place before you start cutting or drilling. A loose workpiece can easily slip and cause injury

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Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to what's going on around you when you're working in the shop. Be aware of other people, power tools, and potential hazards

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Get training. If you're new to woodworking, it's a good idea to take a class or workshop to learn the basics of safe woodworking practices

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