Here are 10 essential woodworking tools every beginner should have..

By: James Brown

Hammer: A hammer is a must-have tool for any woodworker. It is used to drive nails into wood, and it can also be used to pry apart boards or remove nails

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Tape Measure: A tape measure is another essential tool for any woodworker. It is used to measure the length, width, and thickness of lumber

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Screwdriver Set: A screwdriver set is essential for driving screws into wood. A set of screwdrivers will come with a variety of sizes and types of screwdrivers, so you will be able to drive any type of screw

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Circular Saw: A circular saw is a power tool that is used to cut lumber. It is a versatile tool that can be used to make a variety of cuts, including straight cuts, rip cuts, and crosscuts

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Chisels: Chisels are hand tools that are used to shape and refine wood. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can choose the right chisel for the job

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Sawhorses: Sawhorses are essential for supporting lumber when you are cutting it. They will also come in handy when you are sanding, painting, or staining your wood

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Workbench: A workbench is a work surface that is specifically designed for woodworking. It will provide you with a stable surface to work on, and it will also come with a variety of vises and clamps that can be used to hold your lumber in place

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Drill: A drill is a power tool that is used to drill holes in wood. It can also be used to drive screws into wood

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Sander: A sander is a power tool that is used to smooth out rough surfaces on wood. It can also be used to remove paint or stain from wood

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Plane: A plane is a hand tool that is used to smooth out rough surfaces on wood. It is a more traditional tool than a sander, but it can be used to achieve a more precise finish

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