Supplies Needed: โ€“ Arduino UNO โ€“ Breadboard โ€“ Wires โ€“ Ultrasonic sensor โ€“ LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) โ€“ Relay โ€“ Bulb โ€“ Screw cap โ€“ Potentiometers โ€“ Servo motors โ€“ Electrical plug

By: James Brown

Step 1: Test the Circuit: โ€“ Emphasizes the importance of testing the circuit before proceeding, ensuring that all individual components are functioning correctly. It mentions connecting Arduino, LDR, ultrasonic sensor, and servo motors

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Step 2: CAD Design: โ€“ Describes the CAD design phase, using computer-aided design software to create a digital model of the smart disk lamp. Mentions tools like Sketch, Offset, and Extrude for designing lamp components

Image: istockphoto

Fabrication: โ€“ Highlights the fabrication step, where the designed lamp components are brought to life. Laser cutting and 3D printing may be used, and precision during manufacturing is crucial for overall quality

Image: istockphoto

Step 4: Assemble: โ€“ Explains the assembly process after fabrication, instructing on aligning bases and arms according to the CAD design. It mentions attaching 3D printed parts and connecting Arduino, relay, ultrasonic, and servo motors

Image: istockphoto

Step 5: Coding: โ€“ Details the coding phase, providing a code snippet that includes servo motor control based on potentiometer input, ultrasonic sensor for motion detection, and LDR for adjusting brightness

Image: istockphoto

Hardware and Software Requirements: โ€“ Mentions the necessary software and hardware, including Tinkercad and Arduino programming software, for coding and testing the smart disk lamp

Image: istockphoto

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